Dr. Foster — The Beginning of the End of Aprons.

When Dr. Bob Foster, a triathlete in peak physical health, and one of the nation’s highest-volume Interventional Cardiologist, suffered a second ruptured disk causing a month-long paralysis in one of his legs, he knew it was time to do something about the heavy lead vests that were the cause of his injuries.

And he wasn’t alone. In fact, with 60% of ICs suffering from work-related back issues, he soon discovered that others were looking for a solution too.

 At that time, there were only two realistic, yet extreme, options to be vest free—a massive machine that inhibited mobility, crowded the cath lab, and only protected the doctor, or, abruptly end your career and retire. Unwilling to consider the latter option, Dr. Bob ordered the machine which promised weightless freedom. After giving it an honest and thorough trial, he found it to be extremely restrictive and isolating, preferring even the debilitating vest over the unwieldy machine. But with constant fatigue and another serious injury likely, he committed himself to finding an alternative solution.

That solution was Rampart. Together with a team of engineers and designers, he created this fully adjustable and portable system that provides proven, full-bodied, radiation protection for doctors and their technicians, all without the need for vests.

With Rampart, ICs across the nation and around the globe can finally experience comprehensive, vest-free radiation protection—all so they can do what they do best, longer and better than ever before.

Click the video below to hear Dr. Foster’s story first hand.

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